• Welcome Guest, The Wasatch Cruisers forum is here for the benefit of Wasatch Cruisers Club Members. How do you become a club member, you ask. Well first you should register on the forum. Registration can be found at the top right of the page. Once you are registered and become a forum member you will have the oportunity to introduce yourself and have access to open runs and activities. We are a wheeling club and require run participation to obtain and maintain membership in the club.
  • We have been experiencing email issuses for about a month. I found out about them a week or two ago and have now solved the problem. If you have not been recieving your notificaitons or announcements this is why. Also if you tried to reset your password in that time it did not work. Try it now all should be working fine.

WC member photos.

Scott Howe

Active Club Member
Land Use Coordinator
From above at Muley Point.
Nate Roper

And below in Johns Canyon.
Scott Howe
More award winning photos
Morgan Selph
Dave Steward
Silly Dave.jpg
Dave Wison
Josh Brown
Troy DeMill
DeMill Wilson Arch.jpg
Registered users can see more of our photos in the Forum Album Gallery and Trip Reports sections.